Account Info: Welcome to! In order to get you started we need to gather a few details about you, your company, your social review sites, and how you handle complaints. Please fill out this form or email any questions to [email protected]. Company, Location or Brand What is your official company name? What is your website URL? Please upload a high quality version of your logo (PNG or JPG preferred. 10MB max size. Use to shrink if needed: Who is the primary contact person for customer complaints or concerns (first and last name)? What is the best phone number for customer complaints or concerns? Team Please provide all the Names (First and Last), email addresses, and permission level for each of the users that need access. Note - Username will be same as email First Name Last Name Email Role OwnerReporterStaff First Name Last Name Email Role OwnerReporterStaff First Name Last Name Email Role OwnerReporterStaff First Name Last Name Email Role OwnerReporterStaff First Name Last Name Email Role OwnerReporterStaff Additional Users (Additional Charges): Complaint Policy & Review Sites Would you like Stars or Emoticons? StarsEmoticons Please paste in your Consumer Complaint Resolution Policy if you have one. Facebook Reviews URL (Watch how to enable and find your Facebook Reviews URL): Google Reviews URL (Watch how to find your Google URL): Messages & Notifications Negative Feedback Text displayed to user: We are sorry that you didn't have a great experience with your recent transaction. Our team has been notified and will investigate the issue. Positive Feedback Text displayed to user: We thrive on making our customers happy and would appreciate it if you would let others who haven’t used our services know about your experience with us. It only takes a moment to copy and paste and we would really appreciate it! Email Notification - Negative Feedback (to customer): Subject: Body: Hi {First Name}, On behalf of our team and our partners, we are sorry to hear that you had a less than positive experience. We are looking into where the issue originated and will get back with you with next steps. If you need to add any other details, just give {Contact Person} a call at our office {What number should they call?}. Thanks! - {Company Name Or Contact Person} Email Notification - When a note is added and customer is notified. Subject: Body: Hi {First Name}, Just wanted to let you know that there was a new comment on your file. Please see below. We'll let you know if there are any additional updates or when your issue has been resolved. In the meantime, let us know if you have any other questions at {phone}. - {Company Name Or Contact Person} Email Notification - When an issue is resolved: Subject: Body: Hi {First Name}, Just wanted to let you know that there was a new comment on your file. Please see below. We'll let you know if there are any additional updates or when your issue has been resolved. In the meantime, let us know if you have any other questions at {phone}. - {Company Name Or Contact Person}